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Sometimes I feel like all this Shitposting is an elaborate ruse with the ultimate purpose of getting rid of /pad/. False flaggers come in an as Amour/xy fags and try to say stupid shit to trigger SM/Aurelia fags and vice versa. Then both groups continue to develop more towards each other and that Judy fuels the shit posting. Back during XY there was less arguing about who would win ash and which series was the best so the shit poster had to resort to literal Shitposting but now it's easier to trigger /padt/ so he doesn't have to go as far. I'm sure that if /padt/ went back to it's old days where discussion was possible and enjoyable we'd see a return of literal Shitposting and a higher frequency of amour vs Aurelia posting and SM vs XY posting,and if people actually ignored it then I wouldn't doubt that the shit poster would only get more ass mad from seeing all his work suddenly co E undone