>>27823344>What gender do you play as?Female. I feel weird walking around as a boy. The only time I'd play as a boy is if I can customize him to the point where he'll look like me.
>How did you name your trainer?My first name. That, or the name of the game. "Red" "Blue" "Ruby" etc.
>How do you pick which pokemon to raise?I go on a team builder site and put the ones I like together until I find a combo which has protection against as many mon as possible. Then I'll look at unique/useful ones that might justify a spot on the team. Do I want a stealth rock wall spike setup? That may be worth having a few team weaknesses.
>Do you nickname your pokemon?No. I'd get confused if I did. When I was very young and playing Red, I named all of my Pokemon "Magikarp" and kept track of who in the team order was who. It made my 10 year old friends chuckle when I fought them.
>How often do you replay/restart your games?I don't play legit anymore. I like to play an emulated Black 2 every summer. I just hack in the mons I want and play through the game. I also like coming up with unique move sets and test them out on wild pokemon.
>Do you play with self imposed challenges?Yes. Once I've maxed out my absolute favorite team, I'll get the weaker pokemon and team them up to see how they work. Plus it adds a new challenge. A Claydoll with Toxic, Sandstorm, Cosmic Power, and...another move I've forgotten, has proven to be a lot of fun.
>How focused are you on competitive?Not at all. I play in theory rather than to actually use a pokemon against an actual opponent. I know damn well even my best teams will be floored by actual people. I have fun in my own little world.