>>51375904>your first exposure to PokémonMy first exposure to Pokémon was more than likely the original Red and Blue games.
>which of these do you still keep up with/have done in the past>mainline gamesI still fire up some of my past DS/3DS games for funsies and occasionally transfer Pokémon from those games to Bank and then to Home. And I’ll more than likely get Scarlet when it comes out, I’m already prepping some Pokémon in Home and Bank for transfer when SV’s Home compatibility comes out.
>side gamesSame as above but less so due to the genres some of these games are a part of, I’ve been meaning to play the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series (especially Explorers of Sky) again.
>Pokémon GoI still play it but I’m that into its competitive scene.
>TCGThis is probably the side of Pokémon I’m most invested in focus-wise. I play the TCGO regularly, I attended the most recent prereleases, I run some of the more successful TCG decks IRL and on the TCGO. The only roadblock is that local tournaments tend to be small as fuck and that Regionals is too expensive for me when you factor in expenses like airfare, lodgings, food, transportation, and entry fees.
I’m also not a fan of the newer structure that the Championship series took in 2017, International Championships outside of the yearly World Championship sucks and the make the latter tournament less special.>Anime/moviesI fell out of the anime around mid XY, I really didn’t like the writing for it
(and yes, the shipping aspect didn’t help) The series moving to Disney after XY ended and it moving to Netflix after SM ended made it too difficult to track and I truly stopped caring about it after that. The movies are in a different category, I’ll catch ‘em if they come up but I’m not too invested in ‘em.
That said, I did see I Choose You! and Detective Pikachu in theaters, I enjoyed the latter more than the former.