Quoted By:
>On bus, heading to work
>3ds in pocket, gonna get that eon ticket some day
>kid and his mum get on, kid's clutching a ds
>Its pokems
>activate creepy manchild at the back of the bus mode
>send every o-power imaginable
>his name is "xomzen" or something
>kid's confused, tries explaining to his mum that someone's trying to play his game with him and they have to be near, mum no comprehendo
>he sends a trade request
>has like 8 pokemon
>puts up a furfrou, all I have on OR are shitmons and untradeable legends
>offer a derp electrode
>"hey mum, look at this one, I've never seen that before"
>mum still no comprehendo
>kid accepts, trade complete, exits out
>kid's still going on about how he's got some cool new pokem from some randomer
>gets off bus
>lol, fucking casual, nothing personal...kid
When was the last time you had fun with pokemon?