Quoted By:
>Implying a second rematch team is needed
GYM: A typical ice-sliding puzzle, with icicles sticking out of the ground as obstacles to stop yourself against. However, there are buttons situated around the gym that cause certain icicles to retract, and others to extend. Pretty much works like a combination of the earlier Ice gyms and Volkner's gym.
INTRO: Heh, is this really the best trainer that [starting town] could muster? A runt like you doesn't stand a chance against the shattering might of my Ice types! I can see you shivering already! Oh, how cold of me to not introduce myself! I'm Coldberg, leader of [town name] Gym! My Ice-types are as stoic and solid as the mighty glaicer, and I will show you how hopeless you are in the face of this force of nature!
WIN: "Wahahahahaha!"
LOSS: "Wow, your heated style really froze me up! I'm impressed that you could keep your cool, but I guess that's to be expected from such a cool customer as you. I am honored to give you the Peak Badge, and this TM containing one of my favorite moves.