>>49401454Can some anon in the know here explain to me the style system? I feel like it's very poorly explained to you in-game.
Like what does Strong actually do? It just raises the BP of moves a bit at the cost of twice the PP? And what about status effect moves? Does it actually increase the duration of status effects also? Is Agile style just a weaker version of a move that lets you go first? Or does it just increase your action count? Because it said that faster Pokemon get to have more turns.
I'm not even sure if I've been using it right all this time sincr the game gives so little clarification in the descriptions when using it and the initial tutorial at the start just summarized it as dumbed down as possible as "Strong makes move hit harder but you slower / Agile makes move faster but weaker", without even going into status effects. I just use Strong style whenever I want to nuke something in 1 hit or Agile if I want to land a status effect first, but I can't tell if it actually weakens the duration of the effect. I see the BP and accuracy change sometimes when swapping styles so this just feels like another take on the Z-move nonsense from Sun and Moon. It feels kind of arbitrary. But for what it's worth I can at least use Agile on purpose to weaken mons for capturing without relying on False Swipe, so there's that at least.
It really feels like a last minute gimmick they threw in with little oversight because they knew it wouldn't return next game, or if it does, it will have to be improved drastically for it to be any more engaging as it is currently.