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I have some nice things to offer you. I am looking for some other 4 or 5 ivs breeding rejects, possibly with egg moves/right nature and ability, but I'll consider any offer. Here is what I have for you.
. x26 GLIGAR (4iv, impish, immunity/hyper cutter/sand veil) (these guys here can be given pretty much for free)
. x9 MARILL (4 or 5 iv, adamant, huge power, belly drum and aqua jet egg moves)
. x17 AIPOM (4 or 5 iv, jolly, pickup, fake out and beat up egg moves)
. x3 EVEE (4 iv, bold, runaway, wish egg move)
. x3 NOIBAT (4 iv, timid, frisk/telepathy)
. x9 INKAY (4 iv, adamant, contrary)
Your turn, /vp/