HP: 100
ATK: 125
DEF: 90
SPA: 60
SPD: 70
SPE: 85
Rillaboom has good stats and a really, really nice signature move. When you send Rillaboom out against a water, ground, or rock type, either that type dies or the switch in gets -1 to its speed and gets hurt, which is going to be incredibly frustrating for opponents. With base 85 speed and a +SPE nature, Rillaboom will guaranteed outspeed any non choice scarf pokemon with a base SPE of 151 or less at -1. If Rillaboom gets access to earthquake then this mon will be a huge threat. With good attacking moves like its signature move and wood hammer and the need for coverage moves, items like Assault Vest and Choice Band will likely be prevalent. Rillaboom has many weaknesses due to its typing that are offset by its decent bulk. This mon may even be a good user of Bulk Up if it has that move. Breloom is a solid comparison mon with similar stats.