>>26451343>>26451365You brought this upon yourself. /vp/ was patient enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to inform you of how to save, how to replace the battery, etc. even if they knew that this thread would only dissolve into some shitty creepypasta or other bullshit attempt at "humor".
Instead of going along with the courteous advice and suggestions while letting the thread and its reactions play out spontaneously as any clever and determined OP should, you blow it back in everyone else's faces and insult them for not following lockstep in whatever preconceived path you imagined this thread and their reactions to take. Then you display how little knowledge you have of the site itself as well as of human nature, by trying to "punish" /vp/ for having different conceptions on how the thread should play out by trying to delete the thread (under the implication that they would give a single shit), only to realize that the thread can't be deleted once an hour has passed. You then, still under the assumption that /vp/ will bend to the ways of OP, declare that everyone will ignore the thread.
I don't know how plainly I have to spell it out for you, but this combination of arrogance, ignorance, and puerility can only suggest an underage b& or a clinging newfag. I don't know what the hell you expected, but if it was to entertain /vp/ or start a new meme, you, and only you, shot yourself in the foot.