>>54292756i was lvl 41 when i submitted mine
only 1 of the 5 got "approved"
the irony is the one that they liked is on private property behind a 12" barbed gate kek
>>54292794create some and like the pokestops if you spam enough a tranny will get tired of clicking "no"
they will misclick "approved" and it will be in the geam
>>54292804i think they were asking how to get them all in one go
which isnt possible
even if you wanted to trade for all the non-mythics the amount of dust needed would crush a low level player even at the 30+ day ultra friends
pokemonGO isnt some faggy CoD main series entry where they give you all the legends for free and hold your hand
if you want the GO emblem in game or on GTS you have to have the character traits that most modern people lack;
patience, consistency, dedication