>>22753290"Your Greninja....is not holding item.." says the Champion in a tryhard African voice, because he's morphed into testimonial United Kingdom-based nigga brit Fiverr spokesperson Gordon Hurd, AKA mah nigga Tyrone.
He continues to (terribly) read off of a script consisting of mostly unrelated shounen battle lines, text sent to him over the internet by a guy with five Unovan dollars and nothing better to do.
"I wonder, is that 'cause you plan to use Acrobatics..."
He folds his hands together.
"Or is that 'cause you so stupid you forgot to put item..."
"NininininininininininininininininJAAAAA!" Greninja reaches the limit with Acrobatics and aims to top it off with something new and flashy, having overheard the whole Poke-Powers ordeal and all.
Greninja is not used to using his tongue for anything other than comedic licking purposes, but then again, what he's about to do is practically a lick gag either way.
Mid-pummel, Greninja subtly unravels his tongue and wraps it around the Ace. Then, with all of his sicknasty might,
motherfucking suplexes him."JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
A) Use Ice Beam!
B) Use Gunk Shot!
C) Use Hydro Pump!
D) Use "Send Tyrone a script for five dollars!" (What does the script say?)