>>21942539So we go through some teens (they actually are Team Racket, it seems), and when they're cleared out the policemen blocking off the next route disappear.
Partway through I see this thing that looks like a Missingno.
In the town afterward, Memoria Town -- "The town of memories" -- I find out it actually is Missingno. Apparently they used to plague the region of Kohto but were all driven out by a man named Flynn, who runs his own unofficial Gym here. They built the statue in the middle of the town because Missingno. have the ability to erase memories, deepest lore.
If you go and battle Flynn, he uses a team of Nidoking/Pidgeotto/Hitmontop/Kingler/Slowking, the highest at Lv. 25. Upon beating him you're given the HM for Strength.