And we're back! If you missed yesterday's thread, this is Pokemon Bootleg Emerald, a bootleg translation in the vein of Vietnamese Crystal, and I'll be streaming it for a few hours for your personal enjoyment. This is a casual, non-challenge playthrough, just to check out the wacky shit that passed for a translation for whomever it was that made this horrid, beautiful thing.
This thread will mostly be left inactive due to the fact that I'm streaming the game rather than posting screenshots, but I'll be calling for votes on some decisions in the thread because of the fact that I'm forced to use
Justin.TV to stream, which a lot of people seem to have trouble accessing.
Our current team:
> Peeko the Sgull (Wingull)> Taco the Dmon (Lotad)> PiBlu the Wrrat (Marill)> FUNgi the Fmon (Shroomish)> Treko the Frog (Treecko)> Wat the Earth (Nincada)Now that I've got proper info in the OP, we're set to continue! Stream's located here - Come in and watch the run!