>StoryHeaven's Slice
>UpdateChapter 23: Forgotten Ferocity
>FFNhttps://www.fanfiction.net/s/12562146/23/Heaven-s-Slice>>36123945>TotTGood string of questions. It's tough to come up with a universal answer. Unless building an entire religion based off specific legendaries, it would suffice to say there are entities possessing powers surpassing those of most monsters. Those ubers
pardon the competitive battle term may very well be worshiped or feared as deities.
Another thing to consider is the setting: When (years ago or modern era) and where (spiritual mountaintop versus urban mall) your story occurs. And of course, who your characters are, whether they have religious ties, experiences, etc. How deep you want to wade into those holy waters is author preference. To appropriate the advice often given here, it's best to know your story well. A clear understanding of what you desire to show, not merely as a concept, but as a holistic tale, will determine whether gods exist, have much sway, and their personalities. Hope that makes some amount of sense.