>>36121613The game is simply too fast and basics are far too overtuned and PCL can't seem to get scaling right at all. A great example is Crimson Invasion A-Graveler versus Promo Tapu Koko. One is a Stage 1, the other is a Basic.
>b-but it's a middle evo it's meant to be bad!By design, basics should never be strictly better than stage 1s but here we are. The scaling is messed up in general and evolutions either don't do enough or get out-traded far too easily. Even things like Swampert and Metagross will have too many games where they either die as Mudkips and Beldums or it just doesn't matter because they don't do enough damage and don't have enough HP. People will try to get it to work and it won't happen.
For as much as people were happy Dunsparce is back, they will learn that it has no place in modern Standard because using all of
>deck space>board space>an energy attachment>your attackPart of the reason Dunsparce was good back in gen 3 was you could attack when you went first. While nowadays you either
>Go first with Dunsparce, leaving you an active that doesn't do anything in time >Go second and don't get a Dunsparce, so now you have dead cards.Brigette rotating versus having to settle for Pokemon Fan Club has nothing to do with it. The four I listed will manage with the downgrade.
>>36121625Good for you, but it won't be fun for you to play. For every game you hard-wall some amateur Buzzwole product, you will have two games where you just get all your Treeckos knocked out, you're not doing enough damage to take Prizes and they'll just shrug and Guzma/Lycanroc up anything that Nature Power isn't protecting because you have no practical energy acceleration.