>>20352300While Serena and Celosia are busy talking love and birds and all that stupid shit that guys like you don't care about, you start concocting a way to get out of this squiduation. For one, relying on Serena and the Pokemon is out of the picture, one because most of the mons are weak from their previous battles, and two because if any one of them takes a single step u're fucking finished mate.
Your last resort plan is to wiggle your ass at an extremely awkward angle, which will in turn nudge your messenger bag, which will /in turn/ nudge a pokeball out of your bag and call out a Pokemon that can help you. Personally you're hoping for Hexcalibur, because you actually intend on cutting something this time.
"Come oooon. come oooooonnnnn... Come ooooooooo--Ooh!"
A pokeball rolls out of the bag, slides down the slippery gooey lewdicles, bounces off your chin, and then hits the floor. It interrupts Serena and Celosia's back-and-forth, and opens up to reveal..
>'Come on, come on, come on...give me a FOOL, big money, big money, big money--STOP!'