>>20314353>Gen 1Play Red/Blue the Japanese Red/Green are for Hipsters and those who are already experienced enough to want to go back and try these unpolished turds.
Play Yellow. Also watch the anime a bit to get the full experience (first season obviously).
> Gen 2PLAY GOLD/SILVER DO NOT JUST PLAY CRYSTAL. That's pretty much it. Also play all the way to Red.
>Gen 3Enjoy the Trumpets and Double Battles.
Play one of the Fire Red/Leaf Green Remakes.
Play Emerald. Do not just skip straight to Emerald either. If you really want to experience Pokemon than you gotta climb the ladder.
Also contests are a thing if you're bored.
Battle Frontier is also badass.
>Gen 4Play Pear/Diamond.
Play Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
Play Platinum.
Enjoy the updated Battle Frontier.
>Gen 5Play Black/White
Play Black 2/White 2
Try Pokemon Conquest if you like Turn Based Strategy.
>Gen 6X/Y
>Side Games to look into:Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Pinball
Pokemon TCG for Gameboy Color
Pokemon Trozei (the new one or the original)
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon Colosseum XD Gale of Darkness or w/e.
But yeah: DO NOT SKIP AN ENTIRE GEN AND JUST PLAY THE LAST GAME BECAUSE YOU'LL MISS ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS! Fuck the mouthbreathers that would argue otherwise if you want the full experience you gotta see where the upgrades came in.