Where were you when you realized that m.ale G.oodra are non-existent? They aren't e.xtinct or anything.. Just they never existed to begin with. Still, the g.ender ratio is inaccurate.
Where were you when you finally realized that "m.ale" G.oodra are really fe.m.ale G.oodra who are confused about their g.ender resulting in a "m.ale" symbol next to their name?
If you haven't realized any of this by now, you must be living in the past. Everyone despises "m.ale" G.oodra to a point where nobody uses them, and the species is portrayed as fe.m.ale-only. Sliggoo, and Goomy can be m.ale, but not G.oodra. You seriously can't of not realized any of this by now. Since when have you seen someone unironically refer to G.oodra with m.ale pronouns? Since when have you seen someone be unironically affectionate towards a m.ale G.oodra? Since when have you seen someone who does not say "male" ones are traps/futanari? Well, having a penis does not make you a m.ale, so she's still
fe.ma.le by default.
You never
, EVER will.