>>56228699Falkner's team:
Spearow L14 (Sharp Beak): Peck, Mud Slap, Leer, Sonicboom
Gligar L17 (Burn Guard): Earth Power, Harden, Metal Claw, Wing Attack
Pidgeotto L17 (ConfuseGuard): Sky Attack, Take Down, Mud Slap, Sand Attack
Item Stock: X Attack x1, X Speed x1We defeat Falkner and get the Zephyrbadge, allowing us to use Fly and control Pokémon up to L25. He also gives us TM31 (Sky Attack). Now that we've got a badge, it's time to decide which of our six becomes the first permanent member of the team. And while we're at the Pokémon Center, we'll pick up the Mystery Egg from Elm's aide.
Pikachu (Elekid) L18: Thundershock, Karate Chop, Quick Attack, Light Screen
Lettuce (Bayleef) L18: Razor Leaf, PoisonPowder, Reflect, Growl
Soil (Swinub) L18: Powder Snow, Rock Throw, Mud Slap, Flail
Pooper (Wooper) L19: Water Gun, Mud Slap, Slam, Double Kick
Gay Rock (Geodude) L19: Rock Throw, Take Down, Mud Slap, Selfdestruct
Fart (Gastly) L20: Shadow Claw, Lick, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond