>>20111732Bienvenido al Shack de Sandora - Edición La Gorda, mis cabrones.
3x Premier Ball Togepi [Nasty Plot, Psycho Shift, Extrasensory] - Modest
2x Ultra Ball Mawile [Elemental Fangs, Sucker Punch] - Adamant
2x HA Great Ball Gible [Body Slam, Iron Head, Outrage] - Naive [for the mixed set]
1x HA Net Ball Magikarp - Jolly
1x Premier Ball Hawlucha [Quick Guard, Hone Claws, Agility, Baton Pass] - Adamant
1x HA Froakie - Naive
All of the above are French, Female, and have at least Four perfect IVs.
1x JAP Luxury Ball Goomy [M, Poison Tail, Acid Armour, Counter, Curse] - Modest
1x FRE Gible [M, Outrage, Iron Head, Iron Tail] - Jolly
1x HA ENG Premier Ball Gallade [Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, Drain Punch, Substitute] - Adamant
1x ENG Moon Ball Sneasel [F, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Fake Out, Pursuit]
1x HA ENG Growlithe [F, Bite, Roar, Flare Blitz, Close Combat] - Adamant
1x HA ENG Quick Ball Shroomish - [F, Bullet Seed] - Adamant
1x ENG Shroomish - [M, Seed Bomb, Spore] - Impish