God FUCKING damn it l am retarded.
Wattson's Voltorb laughed off T-Hawk's double kick and got a crit shock wave. l knew a second double kick wouldn't kill but l stayed in anyway and got exploded on. Starter dead.
Gaolang got 3 crits in a row and dodged para to sweep the rest of his team and avenge his fallen brother.
Got a Torkoal to replace T-Hawk and decided to take May the Tentacool off the bench only to lose it to another self-destruct. Never noticed how pitiful Tentacool's physical bulk was.
That was a modest Tentacool l pissed away, super mad.
>>48111703Exploud's one of my boys, though Mightyena would probably be better. l might take him off the bench at this point for intimidate support at least.