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Dear Vice President,
Recently I've ordered 2500 business cards with Mewtwo's face on it. There is no plug in this message so please keep reading I need your help. I am yet another common man in a struggle to beat the system. I wish to provide to all a place.where they can know "haven".
Anyway. That's beside the point. These cards are for a tech startup I want to accelerate. They were the only form of advertising I could afford. I need your help with an idea on where to release these cards. All of them. A massive event. I was thinking that soon there will be some kind of pokemon event for the new games...
I live in Georgia USA and I can't travel more than 5 hours without pushing my personal time constraints.
tl;dr? anyone know of the most optimal place I can dump these pokemon business cards so i can rid myself of these childish impulses to blow all this script kiddy money I'm making.
Alright, let me know.