>>44187565>Would you mate with your Gardevoir/Gallade if they ask you nicely for you to become more than his/her mere trainer?This question is determined by the Gardevoir/Gallade in question and how your relationship works. If your Gardevoir/Gallade was say a baby when you got it, it a little incesty-like because that Pokemon probably views you more like a Father/Mother figure not a romantic one and its creepy. If you got the Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir/Gallade in the wild and it was say an adult when you got them (Adult Ralts is real!) its less of an issue as they've lived a life away from you in a non-familial manner. Another one that's not so bad is if you caught a Ralts while you were like 8 or 10 years old and it's around the same age as you, and you both grew up together, think childhood best friend stereotype, that's not so bad either.