>>45401089>>45401100It's actually not that bad
>Corviknight>Orbeetle, especially with the G-max>Wooloo is genuinely an amazing design for marketability purposes, and if Turner made it I'm impressed>speaking of Turner, Sizzlipede/Centiskorch/G-max are all good>Sinistea/Polteageist is also a decent objectmon>Cramorant isn't bad, some would say it's good with a good concept too>Applin looks good, Appletun also looks decent, another interesting concept>Barraskewda >Toxtricity altho I think it's overrated and Toxel actually looks more interesting, tho i don't like the diaper. G-max Toxtricity is amazing tho>Clobbopus looks good, and Grapploct is still.... okay>Hatenna looks like an oldmon honestly and its evolutions aren't bad, cool concept and the G-max is cool too>Grimmsnarl has a lot of fans but I don't like its pre-evolutions at all, but still>Mr. Rime, Corsola, and Runerigus are again all interesting concepts that were executed pretty well, Runerigus especially>Snom is another amazing one for marketability, female designer maybe? Frosmoth is boring but not bad>Falinks is kino>I know it's controversial but Dracovish, Dracozolt, and the others aren't bad, not Ariga's best but still decent and interesting>Rolycoly, and G-max Coalossal are fine honestly>Sandaconda and its G-max are also fine>Dragapult line is one of the best new dragon lines honestly>dog legends are okay, Regieleki is really good in terms of its animations and livelinessSo.... a mixed bag for sure, but plenty of good mons actually, more than I remembered