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to fix the game totally:
Rock isn't SE on Ice
Rock resists Ice
Fairy resists Dragon
Bug resists Fairy
Poison types get a move something like:
Corrode: 75BP SE on Steel and 10% or 20% burn rate
Hail Boosts Attacks/Defenses/Speed of Ice types 10% each OR boosts Defense of Ice types by 50%. Pokemon with the weather summoning abilities can stack moves like Rain Dance and Hail
the Critical hit ratio is put back to how it was
Ancient Power does 80BP
Bird Pokemon learn a support move that gets rid of weather
stuff i want:
Magic Room can block Megas
Leaf Storm doesn't lower Special Attack when in weather
Petal Blizzard's power increases by 50% in Hail
Leaf Tornado and Twister double power in weather
Deliburd gets Snow Warning
Thick Fat gives immunity to Hail damage
More Grass Types Learn Hail and Sandstorm
now, ice isn't shit Defensively and isn't so powerful Offensively
Stealth Rock isn't OP because Rock was nerfed Offensively and Buffed Defensively. Special Rock type move is now usable and out there.
Grass types can navigate through weather well, giving them a niche
Dragon isn't OP because Fairy still exists and Ice is now slightly more usable
Poison types can be used in support more now
Fairy loses a stupid immunity
Bug needed a little something
weather is made better, but not as OP