>>20742687>>20742687You just said you dont care about winning or losing. Your team is objectively bad and shows you dont know the first thing about teambuilding. Its bad even in a nichey or gimmicky way. You fucking moron there are many mons that are viable without being cookie cutter sets. Youre just an autismal scrub who cant handle the fact that hes actually bad at something so you have to reason it off as "haha Im not TRYING to win or anything" what fun is there in being shit at something?
here's a replay of two top hundred players:
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-157616872Of course I don't know why I'm linking this because you're too shit at the game to realize the thought and strategy that went into both the team building and playing of these teams. Also literally no one is assblasted except you.