The makers of this game sure seem to fucking adore Bug types, they gave nearly all of the early route Bugs evolutions, including Paras here, singles names for this zombie nymph.
>>54476452The best part of terrains in Reborn was the fact they could be overridden or changed, it made fights really dynamic or infinitely easier.
>>54476461None of this would be a massive problem if there was a reliable way to level up all of my Pokemon, but there isn't, there's one dude you can rematch and he barely gives you any EXP, there's the Vodka which raises your mons level to 15 but it's so difficult to level Pokemon past that point, this game needs something like the Audinos from Rejuvenation and Desolation or fuck, literally anything, I'll continue trucking on despite my better judgement to see just how awful this shit gets.