>>22691469Banette @Banettite - Adamant
move 1: Destiny Bond
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Protect
ability: Frisk
124 HP
252 Atk
132 Spe
turn 1 protect mega
or knockoff mega
depending on how you predict your enemy reacts (protect is the safe play)
then you either taunt shit that needs to be taunted or you dbond so set up the threat knockoff if you haven't already or if you are in doubles
the thing is with this spread you just barely outspeed scizor and azumarill max speed priority attacks so you always get your dbond up
the next turn your use knockoff so you attack after them
this makes your dbond last two turns
you are always in one for one trade or you kill him with knockoff/deal severe damage because of banettes xbox hueg attack stat
in this game for example I killed one thing that didn't predict my knockoff with a 1hko then taunted the enemy support and still had the option to trade one for one with dbond