After one run that ended at the Youngster with the Taillow and three runs that ended at Treecko, I decided Sapphire hates me so I tried Ruby instead. There's some actual progress here! Managed to snatch a gen3!Pickup Zigzagoon too.
>RoxanneToad took out the Geodude with 2 absorbs and wittled down Nosepass with Leech Seed, Stun Spore and Absorb.
>BrawlyDrury solo'd. Its weird how shit gen 3 AI is when Machop only used Seismic Toss once after 4 Karate Chops.
>>48306091>nice job fellow autismlocke anon, gl on sapphireThanks!
>>48316829Spicy looking team! Also nice to see Torterra being used to its full potential. It's better than people give it credit for.
>>48314305>Nice work carrying Beedrill into the end, even nicer that it was able to put in work during the league.He started and ended the E4 run, symbolic considering Beedrill carried me early game.
>Radical Red>Only one deathEither you're the best player of them all or RR isn't retarded unfair nowadays
>>48307386>Torterra>BronzongYeah, this goes on the BASED pile.
>>48312931You'll live with it.
I'm considering buyfagging both Sinnoh Remakes. My life is an empty shell and I need to fill it somehow>>48315949Kadabra should rape Chuck desu. If imsomnia BIRD then it should be even safer.
>>48317513Jimbo your team makes me hard.
>>48318485This guy is right.
>>48318573 most people also do this for 10 carat hill.
>>48318494>Skitty lineGood luck bro. After Brawly every gym becomes a Run killer in Emerald, so keep on trucking on.