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Love me some Gen III, but I do think they had the worst starters. Don't like a single one of them, except Swampert, maybe, but I don't want to truck his first two stages around the whole game just for that.
I also love the Pokemon variety. I have so many favorites from Gen III, I can play through it several times without using the same team. Except Kecleon. Kecleon is always on my team. I adore this gimmicky motherfucker.
Last run I used Azumarill and Hariyama, named them Hulk Hogan and Macho Man respectively, and they kicked ass in every double battle we came across. Loved it.
My only real gripes are
1) Yeah, too much water.
2) I don't know why but I just really hate Electrike and Manectric. The game didn't have enough Electric variety, I think.
3) Diving was cool as fuck, I wish they used it a bit more.