>>39742452Just an educated observation is all.
Do you really think that a shitposter like myself would truly speak on any sort of official capacity? You'd be a big silly to assume such a thing. All I do is read the actions and airs of the staff box, which at times can be fickle. If they were a spiteful sort, they could completely change their interpretations/tastes specifically to mess with my readings...but that's not that likely to happen as the modern day staff is relatively chill.
I remember that back in the day, even making these readings would've gotten me banned by staff for "Pretending to be staff by speaking on their mindsets/interpretations." That was way back in the day though, pre /vp/ days.
Feel free to disregard my observations, for that is what they are. Educated observations. just know that my modern day observations aren't usually wrong.