You Hurt Our Feelings Because We Hate Yajima, XY, Serena, Greninja, Clemont and Bonnie And You Love Them Edition
>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):>Latest episode (1080p) (720p)
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>PM2019 065 - Dragon Battle! Satoshi VS Iris (May 7th) episodes:
>PM2019 066 - The White Flower Flabebe (May 14th)>PM2019 067 - Pikachu The Sus (May 21st)>PM2019 068 - Go's Rival?? Road to Mew!! (May 28th)>PM2019 069 - An Old Rivals Reunion! (June 4th)Summaries, voice cast, etc.: >Upcoming episodes preview:>Previous episodes:>Pokémon Twilight Wings subs:>Movies:>M23: Coco>Music, manga, and more: thread: