>>44437041>Vs Norman>Slaking 1Polly Esther gets a Fake Out Crit to start of the match.
She then Thunder Waves Slaking during the Truant turn.
She then lands 5 Digs, as Slaking fails to accomplish anything thanks to Truant turns.
Norman uses a Hyper Potion as a 6th Dig hits and throws of the order of Truant Turns, and thus Polly Digs into the ground on a Truant Turn.
As she hits that Dig, Slaking Yawns at her. That could have gone worse.
I send in Amy Sorel on the Truant turn, Intimidating it.
After that, I send in Black Canary, and she... gets Yawned at.
Amy Sorel comes in on yet another Truant Turn for more Intimidating.
Black Canary comes back in on Encore.
A Boomburst Crit takes Slaking out(not that it was needed, I had another turn even if a non-crit wouldn't have KO'd).
>VigorothI send Amy Sorel in to weather the Retaliate(and Intimidate), but Vigoroth lets me in for free on Encore instead.
Black Canary comes back out on a non-boosted Retaliate, laughs it off, and oneshots Vigoroth with Boomburst.
>Slaking 2Amy Sorel once again comes in to take the Retaliate, but Slaking's Swagger merely throws her off rather thandoing any damage.
Polly Esther comes in on the Truant turn.
She uses Fake Out for some free damage and taking away another one of Slaking's turns.
She Thunder Waves it during the next Truant Turn.
I decided to have her use Charm, and luck out a bit with some Full Paralysis.
Another Charm during the Truant Turn takes Slaking down to -5.
She uses her few remaining Digs, once again making use of Slaking's Truant turns.
With her PP for attacking having run out, she tags out, letting Amy Sorel in on a Retaliate.
She Swords Dances on the Truant turn, then sends Slaking deep into the yellow with Crunch.
It retaliates, but its fate is sealed.
A final Crunch finishes the fight.