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Okay /vp/, poorfag here. I don't have any form of ds and I have never played any 4th or 5th generation pokemon game. I really want to, but as I stated before, no money to buy the gaming device and games. So should I download an emulator? Where do I get the emulator and rom. Also I have a friend with an ipod touch and he has an app that lets him choose a pokemon and customize it, like what moves it has, it's ability, etc. Is there anything like that if you have an emulator on your pc? If there's not I'm cool with it. The only reason I'd want something like that is just to be able to say I have a level 100 magikarp with flamethrower.
tl;dr I'm too poor for a ds and games so are emulators/roms good ideas? If so where do I go online to get 'em?