Would be 8/10 mechanically (too many event spawns), but I had awful luck with the things that I hatched.
Out of 60 eggs I only got 1 (one) really good pokemon.
>2kmWeedle, Spearow, Charmander, Clefairy, 2x Rattata, 2x Caterpie, 3x Pidgey, 3x Zubat, 3x Magikarp
>5kmPonyta, Poliwag, Vulpix, Abra, Meowth, Drowzee, Slowpoke, Horsea, Sandshrew, Voltorb, Paras, Tentacool, Machop, Exeggcute, 2x Cubone, 2x Diglett, 2x Staryu, 2x Goldeen, 2x Nidoran (m), 2x Nidoran (f) 3x Bellsprout, 3x Ekans, 3x Shellder, 4x Psyduck
>10kmEevee, Onix, Electabuzz, Omanyte
The only thing I loved was 98% Eggman, other highlights are 98% Staryu that evolved into wg/hp and Slowpoke/Poliwag/Bellsprout candies.