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Musharna got it pretty rough due to a combination of subpar exposure and detrimental ingame factors during its debut gen.
To begin with it's directly competing with several other fantastic Psychic types, and more specifically with Reuniclus' line: another tanky mono-Psychic that trades having slightly worse bulk for much better firepower.
The fact it evolves with a stone is also a negative when comparing it to the other Psychic lines that don't have to worry about waiting for learning moves: BW had the habit of leaving old reliable TMs locked to the postgame (Psychock, Calm Mind, Psychic) as a way to push players to try out the new moves, but for Musharna this means you're either stuck with Dream Eater shenanigans or forced to carry an extremely frail Munna for a good while.
And then it gets worse in BW2 because you cannot even get one until postgame.
The saving grace is that at least you get to see it multiple times in the first games thanks to being the ace mon of one of your rivals.