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wew, what a session. Stara got destroyed by a crit double slap right after Azalea Town, then on that route I captured Piper the Rattata, who died to a Doduo's fury attack.
In Union Cave I captured Don the Phanphy, I did some grinding and got every to around level 18 (Ava evolved). I then liberated slowpoke well from team rocket, essentially Mackenzie swept em, and fought my rival right after. Interestingly, he had a Dratini which G nigga dealt with swiftly.
I then went after the Hive badge and man, that was horrible. G nigga was able to defeat Butterfree but scyther was too much for him and critted. then I sent out Sanguina to supersonic it, she wasn't critted but she still got one shotted. When the Scyther was almost defeated it decided to crit once again and kill Ava, Mackenzie finished it off and thanks to poison powder and confusion defeated Bugsy's Beedrill.
I'm now in Ilex forest where a tackle crit from Don prevented my capture of a venonat.