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gyms out here are literally turf wars especially Mystic niggers and Valor niggers constantly driving/passing by also they camp and hang around in their rides for a minutes or for a while sometimes just keep themselves on their feet to ensure no one knocks them down and out of their gyms. Those nigger autists don't know when to call and give it a fucking break for a while for a bit of eye day. Some Valor nigger knocked down and took over a Mystic gym thankfully they dropped in only one guy which was a Gyrados and I immediately pummel'd it down and took it over in almost no time at all and a couple minutes like less than 5min later someone else pulled up and my gym was already under attack. JFC Mystic and Valor niggers are such fucking autists and tryhards out here. If you're going to drop in something into a gym at least be smart enough to drop in a Snorlax or a Blissey it both with Hyper Beam