>>35682677Oh, that was indeed me. I remember that. My laptop had a meltdown some time after that topic.
> the project is fine. We're trying to optimize the engine in order to avoid excessive lag due to Rpgmaker and essentials scripting limitations> At the moment we're focusing on sprite animation> we're revamping the region giving a deeper focus on (inherently free) exploration and larger areas full of secrets and interesting spots. We're prioritizing on-screen encounters and spawning spots for wild pokémon> branched paths and some semi-open story development. You can tackle some gyms in a bracket in the order you fancy the most. Some other gyms (the first one, the fifth one) are necessary to access the next bracket of the storyline. Levels and leaders roosters are scaled accordingly. Ex.: 1st gym necessary -> 2, 3, 4 in whichever order -> 5th gym (storyline-wise) necessary to gain access to some region parts-> 6th 7th 8th you choose.Let's enjoy together our outdated map for the south-western region of the World.