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Trained my team up to Level 28 near Fallarbor and things went well for a little while. Got that Tentacool (unofficial name: Magella) from a while back leveled up and only had a few levels to go on TomTom, Codepth, and Nancy, so I decided I'd head back to Lavaridge via Jagged Pass.
On the way I encounter a Numel. No big deal, but TomTom is a little low on health so I decide to have Codepth take care of it.
Then the Numel pulls a Magnitude 8 out of its yellow ass.
Codepth got oneshotted and I put Oneweek back in the party. Exterminated everything I could find in Fiery Path to bring everyone up to Level. Gonna take out the rest of my anger on Flannery in a second. Just gotta figure out if I'm teaching Dig to Pumice or Nancy. Does it even matter? Does anything matter anymore?