>>56090957100+ candies
oh my sweet child
its 1:500(ish) odds
>>56091017>>56090975>>56086537>>56086506>>56089710i dont know which of these posts is most sus
>>56090973>>56091021>1-800-C0ME-ON-N0W>>56091059everyone here recommends psystrike mewtwo
i had fun with flamethrower \ shadowball
but admittedly it might be retarded
i was having fun watching melmetal die
but this is back when it was more prominent\problematic for my team
just blip dragonite as the lead
i think its still pretty good
im not an ML expert tho
i only have two teams
>mewtwo, melmetal, ho-oh>dragonite, excadrill, metagrosspremier ML would prob be easier for me
but whenever that cup is open GL\UL usually is a safer\easier option
good luck anon