>Allgen just copied M-Lapras' shiny from Rejuv instead of changing it to match Reborn's shinyCringe. Even I did that in ~5 minutes
Guess I'll have to do that for every one of these then kek
>>56115721gg, I can't personally relate since I still haven't gotten around to playing ER, but I've definitely heard some shit about that kek
>I guess high speed Adaptability Hydro Pumps at level 41 are still pretty retardedYeah, even with it's offensive stats generally still being pretty low, Adaptability helps it a lot, and I think she's probably going to be among the biggest winners from the EV slider kek, being able to launch Full power Water Spouts without neutering it's priority in Grassy glide sounds huge t b h
>Also assumed you were going to copy over the Yang overlay code for the surge abilities kekMaybe if I actually liked the overlays kek, though it could be kaizofaggotkino if I decide to lean more into that for optional battles where the MC doesn't just stand around and let shit happen kek
>it's not really a mon I used much in my all Aevian form playthrough outside of just First Impression mon, so I guess I'm underestimating it a fair bitSame, it kinda clashed with my rainspam towards mid/endgame, but it was still pretty good when I needed it, and I imagine it performs really well if you're going for TR