>>21462837"Ne ne de ne!~"
A familiar face in what he thought was Limbo brings much joy to Dedenne, he happily rolls around because of it. If he's going to be lost forever, at least it's with a friend.
His adorableness brings a grin to Serena in what's otherwise a desperate situation. With a giggle, she squats down and gives him a small poke in his chubby cheek, "Well hello there, Dedenne.~ I assume Calem sent you to scout?"
He cocks his head in confusion, whiskers wiggling, "...Ne ne?"
She pauses, slightly disappointed, "Hm.." then reaches to scratch the little guy behind his ears, "I'll take that as a no. So our meeting here is by complete chance then?"
Her soft fingers raking at his sweetspots is just what the little hamster needs right now, he wags his tail and thumps a little foot in pure elation, "Neeeeeeeee.."
"You simply got lost while playing around and just happened to stumble across my cage.."
"Ne, ne, ne!"
"Ah, I see. Worry not then, you'll be okay as long as you don't get caught. Your little misdirection mishap may be more beneficial than you thought." she declares with another poke on his nose.
A) Dedenne falls asleep.
B) Dedenne squeezes himself into the cage but gets stuck.
C) Dedenne shocks the waifu.
D) Dedenne gets caught.