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Trainer name: Storme
I always imagined a pokemon game that takes place in a kind of medieval world, so Storme is somewhat of a mercenary.
Female Venosaur as the starter with a motherly nature to the rest of the pokemon. Leach seed, toxic, and giga drain are the favored moves, draining the enemy from a distance while the others go on full attack. Given to him as a child by his now deceased parents.
Noivern is childish and has trouble taking things seriously but always steps up when it's really necessary. Found as a Noibat and captured with ease, having followed Storme for days because of the fruits he had.
Aggron was given to him (as an Aron) by a much older warrior to teach him the value of patience. Strong and relentless, often values the wellness of the team over himself.
Krookodile, rescued as a Sandile from a group of poachers. Is much more solitary than the other pokemon but after some experience in the field begins to open up more, revealing a bit of a jokester personality. Though it tries to hide it, is often amused at how Noivern bothers the more mature team members (Namely Aggron)
Mimikyu was captured by Storme after he was paid to find a pikachu. The customer, having never seen a real pikachu either, didnt notice the difference. Mimikyu then plagued the customer with nightmares before he was so distraught he begged Storme to take it into the wild. Storme was confused why someone was so scared of a pikachu but nonetheless agreed to take it back. It didnt take long for him to realize this pokemon wasn't what he thought,and now Mimikyu is a happy member on the team.
Passimian was captured when Storme was paid by a village to deal with a pokemon that had been beating up travelers and taking their food. After some aggressive encounters,Storme discovered that the villagers had been clearing out the woods of fruits to export for gold, leaving no food for the pokemon. Passimian teamed up with Storme to defeat the ringleader and has been a team member since