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Generation 8 could bring in sweeping changes to Pokemon as we know it. Where things like Rock+Ground=Earth can happen, type resassignments, and old moves can be changed or outright removed. Nidoran can be consolidated into one mon, and other Pokedex corrections can finally happen. But will stuff like that happen? Who knows. Probably not.
However, fully expect GF to make 8 walled off from the rest of the generations in an attempt to sterilize the environment. That means no using the bank to bring over mons from past generations. As a consequence from the 3DS being cracked wide open and the ease of use of programs like PKHex, we are flooded with illegitimate pokemon. Even with all they've added in recent games, it's simply easier to pull up PKHex and make the mons yourself.
Will hacking still happen? Sure, we already see that with CFW and Let's Go. But I expect GF to be watching what happens with it closely, and using the information they gather in an effort to bulwark their core series game. They've had six years to work on it, and I won't be surprised when bans happen when hacked mons are detected going online.