Post-Bugsy update, we caught ourselves a Sandshrew who promptly got himself wrapped and flinched to death in Slowpoke Well. Bugsy was pretty easy, he got a nice crit onto Huskar but Ace came in and finished the job really easy.
>>54487253Drayano ROM hacks can definitely beat your ass if you autopilot through. Put a bit of thought in tactics and team construction, and you can definitely get through.
>>54487230ParasectBro is a good way to call you by! Unfortunate deaths, but you've got a real cool team. Props for Cradily and Sableye, and getting to the Flygon is a real nice achievement!
>>54486340I didn't realize you were that drawanon, good to see you're still around! Love the way the squad looks! Medicham and Misdreavus look really cute.
>>54485256I personally let myself use deceased team members for HMs if I don't have better users, especially for something like Fly which you can put into your party, Fly somewhere else, and immediately drop them off. Some people might choose to be more strict about deaths though, but my ruling is just you can't use them in battle.
>>54485000Unfortunate losing Aerie, but at least you have Better Pidgey (Fearow).
>>54484780You should be good for grinding up for Blaine, but you've got two good team members for him (three if that's a Thick Fat Snorlax!)
>>54482993>>54483076More artchads, love your style! I wish I had any kind of drawing talents, otherwise I'd be contributing! Shame you lost that run, but come back and wash Brawly next time around! In Platinum I got cooked by Cyrus through complete horseshit two runs in a row, and beating him the third time around felt amazing.