Quoted By:
>first pokemon game was silver in 2001
>had no idea what i was doing, nicknamed my cyndaquil some gay shit like "Blazey"
>was piss scared of Unown because of the ruins and eventually the entei movie
>actually had nightmares about them
>start figuring shit out by the time i get sapphire for christmas in 2002
>picked mudkip
>ended up being my favorite starter, nicknamed him after my cat
>beat the elite four by myself for the first time
>show my mom that i did it
>she didn't have a clue how pokemon worked, but she told me she was proud of me
>must've rubbed off on her, because pokemon colosseum was under the christmas tree next year
>bad shit happens with family and friends pretty consistently before and after, but pokemon and other games help me cope with the pain
>one month before christmas of 2019
>this happens
Pokemon's been with me for a lot of my life. It might be melodramatic, but the entire state of S/S makes me genuinely angry inside, and just a tad bit sad. I was let down by Kalos and Alola, but at least those games had a few saving graces to distract from constant cutscenes and shitty writing. This has nothing, and I can't even use more than half my favorites. Pour one out for Banette, Azumarill and Crobat.