I did it again.
https://soundcloud.com/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-1/unova-route-4-gbc-8-bithttp://pastebin.com/QXeYDHeDI don't plan on doing all the Unova routes or anything, but for some reason I just got an itch to do several.
Also reposting this one from a few days ago
though I suddenly became a lot less satisfied with the cover when I realized Route 1 has two variations and one has percussion, but the version I listened to when doing the cover didn't, which definitely would've made this sound a lot better; maybe I'll do a V2 with percussion later.https://soundcloud.com/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-1/unova-route-1-gbc-8-bithttp://pastebin.com/MpsxsYCE