>>36449006Landorus-Therian @ Rockium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock/Defog
Swords Dance boosts Landorus-T's Attack, allowing it to break through bulky Pokemon such as Celesteela, Tapu Fini, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory. Earthquake is Landorus-T's most reliable move, dealing good damage to most neutral targets. Stone Edge provides Landorus-T with near perfect neutral coverage along with Earthquake. With Rockium Z, it also becomes a 180-Base Power Continental Crush, allowing Landorus-T to heavily damage or OHKO most of its usual answers, such as Skarmory and Celesteela. Stealth Rock is also a fantastic option in this set, since Landorus-T's sheer power allows it to threaten common hazard control options such as Tapu Fini, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Defog is also a fine option, as this set is capable of pressuring common Stealth Rock setters such as Heatran, Clefable, and opposing Landorus-T.