Quoted By:
>weak to only 3 types
>bug, the overall weakest type
>fairy, most predictable type with least attacks
>fighting, one of the easiest types to shut down
>offensively only weak to 3 types
>fairy, arguably the best defensive type in the game
>fighting, renowned for little defensive pokemon
>0 no effect
>123 not very effective
>560 normal effectiveness
>117 super effective
>the type that has sucker punch, 80 BP priority which can effectively trap enemies in a no-win situation
>the type that has knock off, 65 BP with a damage increase after it knocks off an item, which is almost always
Dark is even so strong as a type, that in the lowest Smogon tier, there are two fully evolved, and both are shitmons (Cacturne, Mightyena). The tier also has two NFE Pokemon in the highest viability brackets in Pawniard and Vullaby.
So why did GF remove Steel's resistance to Dark? Because Fairy resists it instead? Surely they realise how absurd the type is now and do something to fix it properly... right?